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Russian Export Centre will create a store window for service providers based on the platform «My export»

Russian Export Centre starts attracting companies, which provide services for export promotion. This is for new service in information system «Single window» («My export» digital platform). New service will expand service set, that can be got by exporter by «Single window».

An the first stage, suppliers of services for legal support of the exporter, logistics services, search for byers abroad and placement services on foreign marketplaces are invited.

Every company, that intends to provide services for exporters, will be accredited.

«The main aim of  the new service is providing an access of different commercial services for export support. We are striving for the formation of wide base of Russian and foreign consulting service providers, with the aim of  finding professional for exporter. All companies will be accredited. Such an assessment is carried out according to the regulated and transparent procedure» – told the head of partner infrastructure Mary Kotovskaya.

«One of the aims of realization this project is creating of organized export consulting market. This is an important element of export support within the ecosystem digital platform «My export» – noted Alexey Mikhailik.

Service will ensure involvement of law, logistical, analytical and other organizations, which implement export consulting in Russian export development.

It will be convenient for exporters and for service providers.
